
The Introduction and Efficacy of Common Fruit oil 3

The Introduction and Efficacy of Common Fruit oil 3
A penny saved is a penny gained ma yulan:
The ma yulan Japanese "communication" in Greek mythology, the palm, ma yulan was the goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite treasured fragrant herbs, While Roman mythology is reportedly sacrificial Venus is gong of flowers. Romantic love and honor, Abram representatives. The greeks and Romans traditional wedding in Syria, will give a corolla romantic couple, with new happiness and blessing. In ancient India, ma yulan was used in recovery period, sterilization and antiseptic effect.
Ma yulan extraction are essential parts of her top flowering, using steam distillation, ma yulan to extract the oil of essence flavour with very warm, yellow brown, with slightly pepper taste, quite has the effect. Ma yulan is essential to calm, warm heart oil!
< > efficacy
(1) use a handkerchief or incense is essential, ma yulan deratization, and relieve headaches clean sinus.
(2) ma yulan oil is very practical, add in the essential oil massage oil, can effectively remove blood stasis, promote the blood circulation, and intense exercise after muscle pain, even menstrual abnormalities of lower back pain.
(3) ma yulan oils can relieve anxiety and stress, emotional, warm heart, suitable for use in the office.
(4) ma yulan oils can lower blood pressure.
(5) ma yulan oils can regulate the menstrual cycle, also inhibit sexual function.
Please note, (6) hypotension, allergic constitution, and pregnancy should not use!
(7) ma yulan oils can help the body eliminate toxin, benefit stomach cramps, indigestion, constipation, bilge gas.
Suitable for all kinds of skin (8) to the user.

A penny saved is a penny gained bergamot:
Many people believe that with Sandra, bergamot very strange. Bergamot (figure) belong to citrus flavour, citrus fruit more than others, is a deeper, can let a person feel happy when smell flavor, bergamot fragrance, you'll be able to associate to sunshine, health, and laughter. Originating in India, bergamot, looks on the jade Buddha and hands are like, therefore, will have the name, bergamot. But in the fields of aromatherapy, the fragrance of the effect of mind is a panacea emotions, not only can eliminate anxiety, nerves, also can release the pressure, irritable. The use of steam distillation and extraction of skin gets the present yellow-green ze, bergamot essential for depression and anxiety can oil!
< > efficacy
(1) can soothe and can lift, bergamot essence oil is anxiety, depression, and the best choice when tension, perfect calm and antidepressant effect.
(2) bergamot essence oil and pure and fresh, reduces the parasympathetic nerve function, can soothe anger and frustration.
(3) bergamot essential oil can antivirus, eczema, psoriasis, and treatment of acne.
(4) bergamot essence oil and lavender essential oil in the bactericidal effect, even can effectively sterilization, dust mites, so often used in pediatric asthma and allergic rhinitis.
(5) second, bergamot essence of urethra, is very good, very effective for processing, urethra inflammation can improve cystitis.
Aromatherapy properties (6) for skin massage, can balance the sebaceous glands secretes oily skin.
(7) with bergamot essence incense, can boost spirit, recuperating, suitable for work in the daytime use positive emotions, help.
(8) can reduce the pain, when the digestive indigestion, bilge gas, cramping, and can jumpstart appetite.
(9) suitable for oily skin.

Did you think this several days, our blogs smells good ah, p is orange today's offering meals with grapefruit!

A penny saved is a penny gained orange:
Actually, citrus fruit peel, send out the smell is pure and fresh and strong, orange is no exception. Before we discuss the orange flower essence, belong to oily, extraction of flower is a flower, and although flower, fruit, one is same, but effect can be compared. Orange essence oil is used squeezing extraction in the orange peel oil are, have thick orange fragrance, can let a person feel happy, and fills your heart with sunshine warm feeling. Presents the golden colour orange essence oil, can be antidepressants, mild calm oil!
< > efficacy
(1) the orange essence oil in tension caused indigestion, can stimulate the secretion of bile, appetite is big, open spleen effect.
(2) orange essence oil can help the body absorb vitamin C, and resistance to prevent flu virus infection, bronchitis and fever were helpful.
(3) orange essence oil can make people relaxed tension, and relieve muscle pain.
(4) orange essence oil can improve anxiety caused insomnia
(5) orange essence oil can remove blood contains high cholesterol.
(6) orange essence oil can eliminate hepatic toxin.
(7) orange essence oil can increase the skin and the luster of the hair, and can promote sweating, thus can help block skin eject toxin.
(8) orange essence oil can effectively improve dry skin, wrinkles and eczema, is very superior oil that protect skin.
Suitable for all kinds of skin (9) to the user.

A penny saved is a penny gained grapefruit:
It is very much, grapefruit benefits of fruit, with a pleasant, but don't like fruit flavors with lemon like orange strong taste, so much more harmonious and peaceful atmosphere. She fortified with folic acid, citric acid, dietary fibre, and vitamin A and C, low-fat high-fiber, many want to reduce weight friends must have tried her effect. Even better, grapefruit is developed, and can effectively cancer if cancer patients, eat grapefruit diet, can reduce 3-4 into cancer recurrence rate. Rich in vitamin C, grapefruit, antioxidation, can prevent blood clots, and antiviral effect. Don't despise her sour sweet flesh, grapefruit pulp contains unique pectin, can reduce cholesterol, especially for preventing gastric cancer, pancreatic carcinoma. Using the squeezing extraction peel, golden grapefruit essential oil, can be antidepressants, recuperating oil!
< > efficacy
(1) the grapefruit essential oil, pure and fresh and sweet of central nervous system function of balance, can relieve depressed mood, can make a person happy, energetic, mental hundredfold. In stressful situations better use.
(2) grapefruit oil also slightly sleeping effect.
(3) grapefruit essential oil is presented, can nourish the stimulants, clear cell and tissue edema and obesity, often applied in thin body formulation.
(4) grapefruit essential oil to dissipate blood stasis, it can also improve the diuresis function sex tissue inflammation cell.
(5) grapefruit oil rich in vitamin C, commonly used to relieve the symptoms of a cold, relieve migraines.
(6) will drop a few drops of essential oil, grapefruit in table in adornment, can appetitive, also can drive floaters.
(7) grapefruit essential oil has the feeling of optical after use, should avoid to strong sunlight insolate, lest formed melanin precipitation.
(8) applies to all kinds of skin of users, but please note! Have PMS, and pregnant women in pregnancy, "don't apply within" grapefruit essential oil.

If you want to know more information about essential oil wholesale, you can visit the website http://www.exportessentialoils.com/.

