
The Introduction and Efficacy of Common Fruit oil 2

The Introduction and Efficacy of Common Fruit oil 2
A penny saved is a penny gained yilanyilan:
Anyone with Sandra had grown as 30? At that time we were not a brand of soap is called "Hester prynne soap? She is the smell the flowers smell yilanyilan, hope that you can hook up the impression, recall that its familiar fragrance. Ylang ylang oils is a comfort, relieve pressure, and the essential aphrodisiac!
< > efficacy
(1) ylang ylang oils is a fragrant, her most famous aphrodisiac, belong to effect the function of pregnancy, not only can improve the pleasures of the uterus, "", which is a tonic as female PMS, cold and incompetent, and even to keep improving the breast is pointed.
(2) for elderly yilanyilan "spiritual rejuvenation" effect, in antidepressants, produce the confidence to bring great results.
(3), whether in the hair hair dry to oily, can use massage scalp, yilanyilan as hair purposes.
(4) ylang ylang oils are very good sleeping oils, particularly recommended for couple bedchamber, can let a bedroom atmosphere, the sleep quality, also can ascend.
(5) applies to all kinds of skin of maintenance.

A penny saved is a penny gained osmanthus:
The Mid-Autumn festival is in full bloom in osmanthus. A subtropical summer and autumn of Taiwan, temperature and no obvious difference, especially the earth warming problem increasingly serious today, it's exactly fall into respectively by the breeze, only in the waves sweet scent, to determine the autumn comes true. Molly and sweet-scented osmanthus are China's specialty, and Chinese herbs from time immemorial osmanthus fragrance smell, because she is pleasant, people will drink tea, with a refreshing and clear larynx, eliminate upset QiZao effect, and can help good sleep, and handle PMS, irritable, etc., are osmanthus characteristics. Osmanthus oil is can make people cheerful mood of oil!
< > efficacy
(1) osmanthus oil with other flower essence not pregnant female reproductive functions, grant used next abdomen massage, can regulate hormonal, physiological cycle rules.
(2) applied in skin care, osmanthus oil has smoothen fine lines of beauty, and moisturizing and moisturize skin, can promote the blood circulation, improve skin problems pale.
(3) with most other oils, osmanthus oil can also make a person relaxed, mediation, anxiety, and eliminate fatigue.

A penny saved is a penny gained chamomile:
Read chamomile looks like? Today she is illustrated. Chamomile, and her delicate and lovely appearance with the sweet smell of explosive, made her won "the apple" title, even the brewery will use chamomile to improve beer flavor, chamomile is you smell after may not forget to drop, if you want to know "happiness", then find chamomile smell! Chamomile essential oil can be calm mood, calm and relaxed feeling nervous of oil!
< > efficacy
(1) since ancient times, chamomile is often made herbs or maintain article, chamomile extract can eliminate fatigue, add a few drops of bubble bath, can make skin smooth and tender.
Chamomile essence; (2) the effect of comfort, can relieve anxiety, anger, fear, make the person with relaxed and become patience, reduce anxiety, let the soul calm.
(3) chamomile essence is very helpful for insomnia, make people sleep well.
(4) chamomile extract have lower blood pressure, also have calm nerves.
(5) chamomile essence of digestive system has stable effect and comfortable, reduce gastritis stomach ulcer, diarrhea, vomiting, colonitis, bilge gas, enteritis etc, and has good stability.
(6) chamomile essence can stimulate the generation, then white against bacteria, enhance the immune system, colds, and can alleviate allergy symptoms.
(7) attention please! Chamomile extract is given.it effect, can adjust physiology, but early pregnancy should avoid to use.

A penny saved is a penny gained orange flower:
The sweet orange exquisite fragrance smell, can let a person feel the taste of happiness, orange flower also belongs to the noble smell. In medieval Europe, orange flower essence is often used to apply grand nobles send slightly, the group put a perfume, use, so they walked aroma diffuse, elegant demeanour, so more has been regarded as the aristocratic bouquet. The flowers smell sweet orange, stamina, can make the person's mood became fast without pressure. Orange flower essence is resistant to depression, calm, make skin tender and delicate oil!
< > efficacy
(1) orange flower essence belongs to calm, balance oil, can eliminate nervous, irritable, and can release the pressure of fragrance, she can let a person feel flabby, and to provide the mood and physiological function, and inhibit comfort of blood pressure to rise, also can bring ShuMian effect.
(2) orange flower essence can improve indigestion.
(3) orange flower essence also eliminate the toxin. Liver
Orange flower essence; (4) to prevent wrinkles, promote skin with new, activate cells, enhance skin elasticity, pregnant belly to massage, can eliminate gravid grain (but still have to consult a physician.
(5) in the basin with hot water, add 3 drops of essential oil orange flower, heat in the neck, after can slow down the headache and dizziness.
(6) for the neutral, dry and sensitive skin dry, oil of users.

A penny saved is a penny gained echinacea:
Echinacea, narrow scientific megastrobili chrysanthemum compositae (such as attached), is probably the most essential of flowers, "effect of oil. Echinacea originating in North America, and indians were the first to use echinacea gens, they will echinacea and cure snake bites and other skin wounds, they also put her on the lips, root directly to treat a toothache and sore throat. Later after the British immigrants from western, also found echinacea magical effect, then spread to Europe. But in the modern, echinacea is widely used in the food, nutrition scholars have even found echinacea with influenza. Echinacea roots, stems and leaves, flowers, every general public gathering flowers and leaves the tea. Echinacea is essential to strengthen the immune system, anti-inflammatory antibacterial oil!
< > efficacy
(1) echinacea oil has functions of the body's immune system activation, echinacea can help the body against invading virus, especially viral, can reduce colds and accelerate rehabilitation. Used for the treatment of diseases, candida effect is quite good.
(2) echinacea essence of bacteria and viruses and no direct killed by, she is the ability to enhance human immunity ability, enhance the phagocytosis leukocytes and promotion activity of lymphocytes, to kill bacteria in the indirect result agreed, so she has to prevent anti-inflammatory effects, antibacterial, and treatment of wounds.

A penny saved is a penny gained rock roses:
Cliff rose and rose, and she is not a rock rose, but a single type of flower, flower secco half that of oil extraction is she leaves the outflow resin shaped mucous. Rocks with heavy fragrance, rose has a thick, and resin, the essential characteristics of Easter egg, full-bodied, warm color show, have their own unique characteristics and smells, western fang massagist effects of the top secret. Rock rose essence oil is rich, can give a person the feeling warm oil!
< > efficacy
(1) rock rose essential oil can soothe emotions, has "the nerves, provide security. Mind
(2) rock rose essential oil can balance the central nervous system, can be used for the nervous disorders.
(3) cliff rose essential oil can make people feel happiness, arouse the enthusiasm, is a heart with love, friendship can smell.
(4) rock rose essential oil has pain, joint pain.
(5) rock rose essential oil can fight bacterium, anti-infection, for pelvic infection, rheumatoid arthritis has curative effect.
(6) rock rose essential oil can nourish the skin dry, oil and improve fine lines, suggest to bathe, can mediate the bath milk or hair, the result is better.
(7) for neuter skin, skin aging.

If you want to know more information about essential oil wholesale, you can visit the website http://www.exportessentialoils.com/.

