
The development of aromatherapy

Treatment plants to humans have the magic, there are several thousand years of history in ancient civilized country, has long record: You can say that when there are human health behavior. This animal is sick from the grass to find their own medicine will cure that. The man also found that these plants can reduce the discomfort and pain when they are sick, the experience of healing herbs is by word of mouth from generation to generation down.


The development of China's "Chinese Medicine" is also from the Shen Nong tasted a hundred herbs Kaishi, the most stunning classic is the "Yellow Emperor" - recorded many ills the causes as well as treatment measures, one of planting in the wisdom of the modern scientist's guide to herbs. Li Shizhen later the "Compendium of Materia Medica", then recorded more than 2000 kinds of medicinal herbs (plants), more than 8000 kinds of formula, is the modern "medicine" is all about.


As early as 3000 years BC, the Egyptians had already started to use sesame oil perfumes the. Later, people discovered the mummies in Egypt to save thousands is not bad, is added preservatives, such as: cedar, myrrh. In the pyramid of the mining process, archaeologists often find some pressing or distillation of wood, plant equipment.

In particular, the construction of the lake husband Pharaoh's "Great Pyramid" and found a lot of cosmetics, medicines, massage cream records; cypress is often the plants they brought exorcism, eye irritation do not use drugs and so on. The aromatic ointment is one of their offerings dedicated to the gods, in a hundred years ago, the granite stone through the ages on the endangered species, the Pharaoh to sacrifice lion body balm of God, and the priests who make perfumes can be said that the first tune Hong division of the.

Aromatherapy story, written by Cleopatra Della oil skin care, make the body so that Anthony and Julius Caesar is full of fragrance as her prisoner of love. Cleopatra had spent huge sums of money to "perfume the garden" of plants to produce oils, so that my hands soft; In addition, she likes to rub in the negotiations on the jasmine perfume with the use of political, diplomatic, let Caesar for her put down civil unrest.

Greece, Rome

Aromatherapy began in Egypt, the West, carried forward is the Greek, Roman. A beauty goddess temple without Luodai Di recorded most popular this century, "SPA" word, in that bath time is the medical or health resort meant. In modern Greek, or there are many aromatic SPA resort to attract tourists, such as, are said to the sun god Apollo and born son was born.

Roman luxury far better than the Greeks, the power of imperial expansion of clinics and will also be brought to Western Asia aromatic ointment base Fort Constantine. Roman incense into solid, liquid and powder; like the Roman bath, or even to ivory container production, storage perfumes; not to mention they make good use of marble, onyx, granite and glass containers and other materials exquisitely to placement of perfumes. Fine container, the extent of their use of spices, are truly breathtaking, often a heavy flavor of tellurium would use a mixture of dozens of plants, often with myrrh, honey, cardamom, melissa, Stalks Pu, cinnamon, etc., regardless of the body, clothing, beds, walls and even public baths, are full of flavor.

Middle East

In the religious origin of the Middle East, also found the tomb of Jesus placed that Israel remains the traditional bag used myrrh perfume. The scientific discoveries of the Arabs of good land, the Romans improved distillation pass past, successfully extracted rose oil. In addition to scientific invention, the Arabs are good at business, they will find the essential oils, ointments and the flower water, sold around the world. Let the Europeans on the concept of health and treatment refinement.


India also has plants in the classic, most famous is the "Vedas," is to lay the Indian traditional medicine "Ayurveda medicine" is all about. In particular, India is a religious country, developed by the religious use of drugs, making the Indian herbs such as cloves, black pepper, sandalwood, benzoin, etc., become the most expensive medicines.

Modern status

Renaissance (14-16 century), herbal trap the invention of printing due to, their ancestors used herbs can be the wisdom and knowledge publishing and widely circulated.

The most famous is the 1527 Beacon's publishing house, "Bacon's herb collection," 16th Century Solomon also wrote "prescriptions Daquan", to the 17th century, the golden age of British herbs teacher was out of Several Masters, Kaerpeibo, Parkinson, Steven Gerrard and so on, they left behind herb knowledge of modern aromatherapy great help.

30-70 years

Official presentation of the "aromatherapy" in the chemist Gaitefose perfume once in the family company to develop new products, a chemical explosion accidentally injured hand, so he quickly reached into a bowl next to the liquid , the incredible is that the hand burns even less pain, blisters and wounds also reduce the number of, and lavender essential oil is the bowl of liquid. Gaitefosai developed lavender to anti-inflammatory, bactericidal healing properties.

Since then he has an interest in all kinds of essential oils, essential oils began to study the healing function, write first "Aromatherapy" book.

Another well-known researcher is Jennifer Oignet aromatherapy, MD, the essential oils used in the treatment of wounded soldiers in World War I, Er Shi essential oils and have a close relationship between health and access to formal medical license in France. His book "Aromatherapy" is a modern aromatherapist are essential reference books.

Published in Gaitefosai when oil ideas, Sir Fleming also discovered penicillin antibiotics. This is the "natural" therapy, was isolated from the fungus out. Of course we no longer use the natural penicillin.

In the 50's, Lee Mount Margaret read the works of many Gaitefose on essential oils, for the first time the "aromatherapy" is used to rejuvenate the beauty and aromatherapy introduced to the UK. In "Mrs. Morrison aromatherapy," the book about health, beauty, food, cooking and physical therapy essential oils. In addition, Mrs. Morrison in addition to working to understand the effect of each kind of natural essential oils, but also study the use of essential oils, such as off-the skin care, and promoting a compound essential to skin care, so Mrs. Morrison was the first to Aromatherapy combined with the beauty people.

70's, snow Lipulaisi appears the use of aromatherapy has been a major change. Shirley that an aromatherapist must also know how rich the anatomy, physiology, pathology, and familiar with a variety of aromatherapy oils specific effect of chemical composition and physical therapy with special technology, so she opened in 1978, Shirley Price Aromatherapy Institute (Shirley Price Aromatherapy College). The current Great Society has been set up overall health care organizations, aromatherapy body recognition and evaluation will identify their educational function and qualifications.

During the same period, the French doctors interested in essential oils, many clinical studies begin. People are more interested in preventive medicine, and more interested in understanding medical problems.

90 years, aromatherapy has active in our lives together, combines the wisdom of ancient civilizations for thousands of years with physicians and scientists of this century, empirical research results, it provides an efficient and pleasant our health care choices, balance body, mind, and spirit of the overall effect.

From ancient human found in herbal plants affect human health in Hong mystery of the beginning, evolution and today, aromatherapy is not only a rich clinical experience, is becoming a popular study of adjuvant therapy.

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