
Constellation and Essential Oils 3

Gemini (5/21~6/21)

Gemini is the most changeable constellation among the twelve constellations. They value spending the least amount of effort to achieve the greatest benefit. They have an agile mind and sensitive reactions, but lack perseverance and patience to persist. This kind of short enthusiasm toward doing things makes them miss many chances to succeed. Mercury is Gemini’s guardian star, which represents intellectuality on the one hand, and dominates the nervous system on the other. So Gemini which is famous for rational thought is also has a side of nervous.

Essential oils suggestion:
The essential oils suitable for Gemini are rosemary, mint and cypress. Rosemary has a good effect on recovering fatigue, and relieving stress caused by mental pressure, and relaxing the neck; mint can make your thoughts more clear, and makes Gemini better fashion sense; cypress can help Gemini listen to others, understanding their feelings, and have a good effect on expanding their communication circle by building better interpersonal relationships.

Cancer (6/22~7/22)

Cancer often attaches importance to family, loving friends, and always giving others a kind, warm feeling. They will not be stingy when paying their love to people who they care for, and they will be cold to someone they don’t get well along with. Cancer is not only good at bringing a pleasant atmosphere to the family, but also know how to use their plentiful creativity on the job, in leisure, entertainment and daily life. Careful consideration makes their life colorful, but sometimes they also will worry about personal gains and losses.

Essential oils suggestion:
Chamomile, citrus and lavender are all suitable for Cancer. Chamomile can soften their self-directed attitude and help with improving interpersonal relationships, relax mood and relieve stress. Lavender can makes their mind more clear, bring into play their sensibility; and the sweet fragrance of citrus can make them feel happy, and is suitable for the emotional Cancer.

Leo (7/23~8/22)

Leos are full of leadership qualities, and play a glorious role in real life. They are used to thinking from their own mind as a center and don’t understand others feelings, which makes them good as critics. Even so, Leo’s nature is enthusiastic and kind, and hide a naivete and open heart under their emulative and prideful appearance. When dealing with jobs, they are admired by others because they are capable and full of responsibility. Leo has a high requirement towards themselves and is brave enough to achieve themselves.

Essential oils suggestion:
Sandalwood rose and citrus can help Leo. Sandalwood is a kind of fragrance that can enter into the deep level of the soul, which can help Leo not be over satisfied, and can help them empathize and understand others much better. But there is no other scent that can match better with Leo than rose’s noble fragrance; by using this scent, Leo can control their self-satisfied attitude, and watch their soft aspect; citrus fragrance can help underline Leo’s innocent characteristic.

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