
Myrtle Essential Oi

Myrtle is native to Mediterranean coast countries, it is belong to evergreen shrubs. Myrtle was being applied as health care plant very early, because it is contain myrtenol, which is a good antibacterial material. The leaves and fruits of myrtle is fragrant because they are contain myrtenol, some wedding in western countries will use myrtle to make garland in order to represent benediction. That is why myrtle also being called as benedictory wood.

The geographical environment of myrtle and rosemary is quiet close, but the woody smell of myrtle is mellow, not strong as rosemary. The flavor of myrtle is fresh, a bit sweet and full of penetrating power. Myrtle is easily to plant and has a good looking, its flowers like white Mei flower, and its adaptive capacity to environment is strong.

Myrtle essential oil is extract form myrtle flowers and leaves through steam distillation method, its color is light yellow. The main compositions of myrtle essential oil are: eucalyptol, geraniol, nerol and myrtenal; the main functions of myrtle essential oil are improving urinary tract infection and appease anger mood.

(1) Myrtle essential oil can make people’s emotion stable, it is has the effect to stabilize nervus centralis, and help to concentrate mind and get rid of distracting thoughts.
(2) Myrtle essential oil has antibacterial function, can clean skin, remove acne, improve the circulation of blood.
(3) Myrtle essential oil can prevent eczema, bathing with myrtle essential oil can improve skin disease, such as eczema and tinea.
(4) Myrtle essential oil can be used for fumigation, by this way can stabilize emotion, help with respiratory tract infection, it is maily useful for dispelling phlegm and cure running nose.
(5) The study room and office could use myrtle essential oil to disinfect and sterilize virus, in order to avoid the spread of bacteria and virus, clean the indoor air and improve working efficiency.
(6) Myrtle essential oil is similar to Eucalyptus essential, which is more suitable for using in the night. Both of them can resist moisture, improve the inflammation of mucous membranes and nasosinusitis. It is quit effective with control infection, and especially suitable for patients with nasosinusitis and elevated blood pressure.
(7) Myrtle essential oil can reduce leucorrhea, relieve dysmenorrheal. It is a good tonic for uterus.
(8) Bathing with myrtle essential oil can improve vaginitis, relieve vaginal pruritus.
(9) Myrtle essential oil has remarkable effects to help with lung disease. If you sweat at night, myrtle essential oil can bring you a peaceful sleep.
(10) Myrtle essential oil can accommodate genitor-urinary system, alleviate the troubles like hemorrhoids, diarrhea and dysentery. Besides, it antibacterial characteristic can improve cystitis and urethritis.
(11) Note: continue using myrtle essential oil for a long time will stimulate lynmphoid tissue. When massage with myrtle essential oil should strictly forbid touching lynmphoid tissue and the sensitive parts of your body.

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Lemongrass Essential Oil

Lemongrass is also known as lemon grass. Lemongrass essential oil might be the most familiar essential oil for us because lemongrass is being widely used in our daily life. Lemongrass is native to tropical Asian countries, such as India, China, Thailand, Vietnam, South and North America, Africa, Brazil, Paraguay and Britain. This plant gives off a fresh and elegant smell of lemon, and looks like silver grass. It is perennial herbaceous plant, its plant height is 100-200 centimeter, short stalk grow under the earth, threadlike leaves grow close the root, and the length is about 60 to 150 centimeters, width is about 1 centimeter. Both sides of the leave are crude and white, it is flower in autumn and winter. Lemongrass is has extraordinary performance in cooking, especially famous for being used in Thai food, it is also being widely used for cooking in western food.

It is said that the fragrance of lemongrass can keep longer than lemon, so it is also being collected for making perfume. Make tea with lemongrass have strong sterilization effects, and can prevent various kinds of infectious disease and cure stomachache, diarrhea, headache, fever and influenza. The stalk and leaves of lemongrass fully contain volatile oil.

Lemongrass essential oil extracts from the stalk and leaves can being used for making food or cosmetic, perfume and soap spice. It is mainly being used for the medicine to against bacteria and infection or fever-reducing, especially for cure cholera. Lemongrass essential oil has the effects of antidepressant, antibiosis, sterilization, cure stomach flatulence, deodorize odor, help with digestion, promote urination, stimulate lactation, prevent disease, nourish body.

Lemongrass essential oil extract form the leaves of lemongrass through steam distillation method, its color is yellowish brown, it is an essential oil with fresh fragrance, can encourage spirit and sterilize virus.


(1) Lemongrass essential oil has quiet good effects on deodorize odor and encourage spirit. It is quiet an attractive essential oil, no matter in flavor or effects.
(2) Lemongrass essential oil can relief neuralgia, rheumatalgia and headache.
(3) Lemongrass essential oil can kill off fleas and worms effectively.
(4) Lemongrass essential oil is one kind of natural anti-mosquito liquid. It is effectively to use lemongrass essential oil as incense to repel mosquito and fly, and it will not harm to human body.
(5) Lemongrass essential oil can eliminate the dust mite and bacteria, it is a perfect essential oil for allergic rhinitis patients.
(6) Lemongrass essential oil have strong antibacterial ability, it can prevent contagious disease, and also is effective for cure respiratory tract infection.
(7) The strong flavor of lemongrass essential oil can eliminate odor, encourage spirit, and have great benefits on the stimulation of parasympathetic nervous and the digestion of digestive system.
(8) Lemongrass essential oil can encourage spirit, get rid of depress and sluggish mood, eliminate fatigue and pressure.
(9) Lemongrass essential oil can remove the muscular soreness after exercise.
(10) Lemongrass essential oil is irritable to skin, so it must being apply on the skin after diluted to light concentration.

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Verbena Essential Oil

Verbena is native to South America Chile, and being transplant to the countries around South Europe Mediterranean, such as Morocco, Algeria, French and Spain. Verbena has lots of varieties, the most common seeing one is lemon verbena, which’s leaves has a smell of fresh lemon fragrance. The verbena essential oil is normally being extract form this kind of lemon verbena.

The name of verbena means altar plant in Romaic language. In 17th century, when witchcraft was the fashion, verbena was being used as the priest material for wizard. According to the legend, verbena can help love revived. But it is just a superstitious, love has its guarantee period and needs predestination which can not being governed by verbena.

Verbena gives off a light smell of sweet lemon, which is close to the flavor of Melissa, it is one kind of flavor can brighten people’s mood. The verbena essential oil extracts form its leaves is the common material for perfume, cosmetics and soap. Verbena is first being introduced into Southern Europe by Spanish. Verbena combined the fragrance of lemon, Melissa and geranium. The leaves can be added into fruit pudding, pastry, jelly or handmade ice cream after being cut into pieces. In Britain, verbena is one kind of common garden plants, which will flower in the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, and it is will give off a pleasure fresh lemon fragrance.

Verbena is most suitable for making tea, it is can refresh mind, eliminate sickness, promote digestion, and often being drink after meal. Besides, verbena can help with sleep, settle mind and reduce pressure, it is also can help with stomach flatulence, migraine, calm down mood, reduce bronchitis and rhinitis. In the medical treatment, verbena can be used to strengthen and stimulate metabolism of liver. Besides, it is can be used to cure neurasthenia because it is have effects on nourish and relax never system. In Chinese herb records, verbena was often being used to clearing away heat and toxic material, promoting blood circulation by removing blood stasis; drink verbena tea can improve with gastrointestinal problems and anxious moods.

The verbena essential oil extract form verbena stems and leaves is light yellow, it is an essential oil which can bring fresh and comfortable felling to people.

(1) Verbena essential oil can remove depressed emotion, makes people relax mood, it is can help with antidepressant, concentrate attention, relieve nervous mood, and let people’s working mood won’t be disturb by positive emotion and arise confidence.
(2) Verbena essential oil can clam down anxiety and heart-throb, and have effects on the insomnia cause by the imbalance of nerves centrails, smooth tachycardia.
(3) Verbena essential oil can relief migraine, strengthen liver.
(4) Use verbena essential oil in study room or office can help with keeping attention, and can reduce working anxiety and pressure.
(5) Verbena essential oil is good for digestive system. Massage stomach with verbena essential oil can relief stomach spasm, flatulence and inappetency.
(6) Verbena essential oil has the effects to stimulate the menstrual flow, clear away heat and toxic material, alleviate dysmenorrheal. But the pregnant are forbidden to use.
(7) Verbena essential oil could be used as the base oil of homemade perfume. Concocted with patchouli, vetiver and myrtles will have better efficiency.

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Thyme Essential Oil

Thyme is native to the Mediterranean basin, it is a perennial herbaceous plant, its plant height about 20 to 50 centimeter. Thyme’s flavor is much wilder than other aromatic herbs, some people even describe its flavor likes paradise. The aromatic compositions that thyme’s leaves contain have the effects to strengthen appetite and promote digestion, it is also good for sterilization and preserve from decay. Besides, thyme is one important spice in Italy food, and is one important material for western gardening and cooking.

In ancient Roma, people will bath will the water soaked with thyme before ventured on the battlefields, hoping can brought courage to them by this way. Despite the plant is small, thyme has quiet sweet and strong herbal fragrance. It is said that this kind of fragrance can release the soul which being imprisoned, and soothe people’s mental wounds.

Thyme has lots of kinds, on the essential oils market, there are white flower thyme, red flower thyme. The thyme used in aromatherapy often is red flower thyme, which color is clear bright. There is one kind of thyme essential oil which color is red, that is because it is being extract and store in backward methods, the red color is caused by metal dissolution. This kind of thyme essential oil should be avoided to buy.

Thyme essential oil is extract from thyme flower and leaves part through steam distillation method, it is present as clear bright color, and have effects to encourage spirit and sterilization.


(1) Thyme essential oil is one kind of essential oil with strong power, it is a strong antimicrobial agent which is famous for sterilization and anti-microbial. It is widely used for the sterilization and treatment of the wound in modern medicine. But pay attention to that it might be poisoned if you use thyme essential oil for a long term. And inhaling method is much safer than massage and bath, because thyme essential will irritates skin and mucous membranes. So when you doing massage with thyme essential oil, it is strictly prohibit touching mucous membranes and the sensitive part of your body.
(2) Thyme essential oil have the effect to refresh spirit, it is can encourage spirit, concentrate your attention. Thyme essential oil can improve memory and attention because it is can strengthen nerve, activate brain cell.
(3) Thyme essential oil can stimulate the production of white blood cells, and improve immune ability of human body.
(4) Thyme essential oil can strengthen lungs, and is useful for bronchitis.
(5) Thyme essential oil can stimulate blood circulation, help with hypotension.
(6) Thyme essential oil is a tonic for scalp, it is has effective efficiency to get rid of scurf, inhibit baldness. Few amount used for bathing can improve skin disease, such as eczema, ringworm.
(7) Thyme essential oil can helps wound, sore, eczema and furuncle recover sooner.
(8) NOTE: thyme essential is unsuitable for pregnant woman and patients with elevated blood pressure.

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Melissa Essential Oil

Melissa, also known as blam-mint Melissa officinali, lemon balm, bee balm, its scientific name is Melissa, which means bee in Greek. Melissa smells like lemon’s flavor, but have more flower fragrance. Melissa’s fragrance can comfort and encourage spirit, it is can appease mood when you in panic, and can arouse your spirit to face the challenge when you get frustrated.

Melissa was the main sweetener when there was no sugar in ancient Europe. At ancient Roma, family who keeps honeybees was bound to plant Lemon Balm in their garden, in order to attract the swarm through the sweet flavor; and they will use the leaves to wipe the bee hive in order to attract more bees to march in. Lemon Balm can helps people relax mood, promote digestion, and it is one of the common herbal medicine which used by Greed from the ancient times till now.

Melissa is quiet famous at Europe area, and often being planted in the backyard of the house. It is flower in June and July, and its flower is small and white. Because Lemon Balm’s flower can attract bees, it is also being called as bee balm. And because Lemon Balm plant, including its flower, leaves, stalk, can give off a sweet and fresh smell as lemon, it is also being called as lemon balm.

The meaning of Lemon Balm is pleasure memory, because the memories are always sweet, like the feeling that Lemon Balm gives people. Harvest the fresh leaves before Lemon Balm flowered, and using for cooking, the fresh leaves can add natural lemon flavor for Salad and fruit. After drying, Lemon Balm can be used as aroma herbal tea, which has the effects to promote digestion, reduce pressure and calm down. They light yellow Melissa essential oil, which extract Lemon Balm leaves through steam distillation, can encourage spirit, appease mood, and delight your soul!

(1) Melissa essential oil can be used for psychology through coordinate the heart and nerve system, it is can be used to improve the psychosomatic disorder and vegetative dystonie, which caused by psychology depression and anxiety.
(2) Melissa essential oil can appease frightened spirit, remove gloomy, and bring positive belief to the future.
(3) Melissa essential oil can promote stomach digestion, including nausea, indigestion, flatulence, vomit, and diarrhea.
(4) Apply several Melissa essential oil on the handkerchief and used as incense can relief some symptoms like chronic obstructive mucositis, asthma, and cold.
(5) Melissa essential oil can keep away insects effectively, and can alleviate the itching caused by mosquito bite.
(6) Melissa essential oil can inhibit allergy, and help patients with asthma appease heavy breathe.
(7) Melissa essential oil can help with homeostasis effectively, and inhibit infection.
(8) Melissa essential oil is good for regulate menstruation. It is can relief the abdominal convulsion before and during menstrual period, and condition hormone secretion. For women in physiological change period, Melissa essential oil can improve syndrome.
(9) Melissa essential oil has the effect to condition uterus, which is used for increase the opportunity to become pregnant.
(10) DO NOT use Melissa essential oil during pregnancy.

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Constellation and Essential Oils 4

Virgo (8/23~9/22)

Virgo often very sensitive towards things around, and have more delicate psychic induction than common person. They will get thins done well and have high demands towards themselves and others. Most of Virgo inclined to a perfectionist, which sometimes will make people around feel pressured. Virgo have excellent analytical skill and observational ability, they will plan things will and finish tasks whereto as a way to achieve themselves. Delicate mind is one big features of Virgo, which is also the main source of psychical pressure. It is necessary to relax yourself occasionally.

Essential oils suggestion:
Rose, fennel and lavender essential oil are suitable for Virgo. For Virgo people who used to oppress inner emotions, rose’s romantic atmosphere can help them express their feelings and makes others love to close to them; fennel essential oil can help Virgo, who is often keep thought to themselves because of care others too much, to increase their courage and power; lavender can help Virgo, who is used to scrupulous, to relax mood and remove mental fatigue.

Libra (9/23~10/23)

Libra is elegant and full of noble smells, it is the most beautiful constellation among twelve constellations, and it is Cytherea who is in charge of love and beauty. So most of Libra people’s attitudes are naturally grand. Libra have subtle understanding towards others feeling, and hope they can measure things fairly. Sometimes they will call forth criticism because of lack the power of making decision.

Essential oils suggestion:
Patchouli, lavender and rose are all suit for Libra. Patchouli can help Libra clear thought, improve hesitated characteristic; lavender can makes Libra have a better harmonization in every aspect and avoid budges. Rose essential oil makes Libra seems being surround by happiness.

Scorpio (10/24~11/22)

Scorpio’s elegant and mystery makes them full of charm. Scorpio people are silent, calm, have strong will and never give up. It is seems they are hard to close to, but they are full of passion in their heart. Scorpio have acute intuition and delicate mind, and can analysis others’ thought easily.

Essential oils suggestion:
Mint, rosemary and sandalwood are suit for Scorpio. Fresh flavor of mint can help Scorpio express their true feeling straightly; rosemary can makes Scorpio scan their inner heart more objectively in case their over passionate hurt others; sandalwood’s thick flavor can trigger Scorpio’s sentiency and inspire their inspiration.

Sagittarius (11/23~12/21)

Sagittarius is free and is a curious baby which can not quiet down. They have strong zeal for learning and adventurous spirit, likes freedom and don’t like being restricted. Sagittarius likes to meet new challenge, they will not being satisfied even they got some achievements but will set new goal for themselves. They are positive, passionate, naïve, and have good interpersonal relationship. Sometimes they don’t know they offend others because of their careless characteristic.

Essential oils suggestion:
Cypress, chamomile and rosemary are good choices for Sagittarius. Cypress can help Sagittarius fully enjoy the funny of meditation and take care of their real feeling of heart; chamomile can helps Sagittarius understand others situation, which is useful for good relationship; rosemary’s can bring warm felling which makes impulsive Sagittarius keep pleasure mood, and help them got funny and a sense of achievement during the adventure progress.

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Constellation and Essential Oils 3

Gemini (5/21~6/21)

Gemini is the most changeable constellation among the twelve constellations. They value spending the least amount of effort to achieve the greatest benefit. They have an agile mind and sensitive reactions, but lack perseverance and patience to persist. This kind of short enthusiasm toward doing things makes them miss many chances to succeed. Mercury is Gemini’s guardian star, which represents intellectuality on the one hand, and dominates the nervous system on the other. So Gemini which is famous for rational thought is also has a side of nervous.

Essential oils suggestion:
The essential oils suitable for Gemini are rosemary, mint and cypress. Rosemary has a good effect on recovering fatigue, and relieving stress caused by mental pressure, and relaxing the neck; mint can make your thoughts more clear, and makes Gemini better fashion sense; cypress can help Gemini listen to others, understanding their feelings, and have a good effect on expanding their communication circle by building better interpersonal relationships.

Cancer (6/22~7/22)

Cancer often attaches importance to family, loving friends, and always giving others a kind, warm feeling. They will not be stingy when paying their love to people who they care for, and they will be cold to someone they don’t get well along with. Cancer is not only good at bringing a pleasant atmosphere to the family, but also know how to use their plentiful creativity on the job, in leisure, entertainment and daily life. Careful consideration makes their life colorful, but sometimes they also will worry about personal gains and losses.

Essential oils suggestion:
Chamomile, citrus and lavender are all suitable for Cancer. Chamomile can soften their self-directed attitude and help with improving interpersonal relationships, relax mood and relieve stress. Lavender can makes their mind more clear, bring into play their sensibility; and the sweet fragrance of citrus can make them feel happy, and is suitable for the emotional Cancer.

Leo (7/23~8/22)

Leos are full of leadership qualities, and play a glorious role in real life. They are used to thinking from their own mind as a center and don’t understand others feelings, which makes them good as critics. Even so, Leo’s nature is enthusiastic and kind, and hide a naivete and open heart under their emulative and prideful appearance. When dealing with jobs, they are admired by others because they are capable and full of responsibility. Leo has a high requirement towards themselves and is brave enough to achieve themselves.

Essential oils suggestion:
Sandalwood rose and citrus can help Leo. Sandalwood is a kind of fragrance that can enter into the deep level of the soul, which can help Leo not be over satisfied, and can help them empathize and understand others much better. But there is no other scent that can match better with Leo than rose’s noble fragrance; by using this scent, Leo can control their self-satisfied attitude, and watch their soft aspect; citrus fragrance can help underline Leo’s innocent characteristic.

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Constellation and Essential Oils 2

Pisces (2/19~3/20)

Pisces is a constellation with sharp perception and rich affection, and have consideration for others. On the one hand Pisces people are difficult to pin down, but on the other hand they have selfless love as god—Pisces is an emotional but lovely constellation. They are amorous and romantic, have delicate sentiment, like fantasy, kind and innocent. But people like them who like to help with others don’t know how to cherish themselves, especially when they are upset, they often lack enough power to support themselves. Add with indecisive personality, they often will make themselves drop into unnecessary affliction.

Essential oils suggestion:
Lavender, rose and cypress all are suitable essential oil for Pisces. Lavender can recover tired body and soul, and makes you think clearly; rose can satisfy their romantic imagination, and makes them give full play of their intuition and creativity in romantic atmosphere; the special flavor of cypress can train Pisces’ good ability to make decision, which can help with their hesitated personality. Learn control of their emotion properly can help them get better along with others.

Aries (3/21~4/19)

Aries own high action power and adventure spirit, it is the embodiment of Mars, the War-God. Aries people enthusiastic and impulsive, like doing things according to their instincts, they are positive towards life, and they seems always have endless energy. They are paying more attention on spiritual level than material, and have a good sense of justice and responsibility. Although their used to do things straightforward and can make decision quickly, but that does not mean that it is the best. But in order to prove their existence, they still will persist their own way and keep going.

Essential oils suggestion:
Rose, eucalyptus and frankincense are typically suit for Aries. The elegant of rose can mix Aries’ impatience, and have more romantic and relaxing sentiment to relax the tight moods; the flavor of eucalyptus can strengthen Aries’ instinct, and makes their brain more clear; the pure and warm fragrance of frankincense can makes impulsive Aries calm down, and to deal with thing with a better way.

Taurus (4/20~5/20)

Taurus love beautiful things, their taste is elegant, and they have a down-to-earth and honest personality. Taurus will not aim too high when doing thins and is one constellation which is famous for pragmatic among twelve constellations. Taurus thinks the most important thing of happiness is having a safe and comfortable life, the ideal love is the frankness and stable relationship between lovers. Reticence is a big strong point of Taurus, but over careful will make them lose lots of opportunity. Sometimes, following your feeling and doing thins will get unimaginable results.

Essential oils suggestion:

Bergamot, rosemary and lavender are all suit for Taurus people. Florid and lively flavor can makes exact Taurus relax their mood, and makes their angle to have more flexibility; rosemary can makes their brain more flexible and have better efficiency; lavender can balance the unstable moods and a pleasure mood to bring their perceptual and creativity into full play.

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Constellation and Essential Oils 1

Ancient scholars found inspiration to create astrology through watching the activities of celestial bodies. They realized that the changes of the universe dominate nature and everything else on the earth. Astrology was used to predict the weather, harvest of crops, destinies of nations, and so on. Later, the astrologers began to believe that people's birth is influenced by the movement of celestial bodies, and astrology became a subject of formal research.
Essential oils are gifts of nature; they are the cream of plants. People can gain power through these fragrances.
It might seem that astrology has nothing to do with essential oils, but in 1952, a great astrologer, Nicholas Culpeper, who was also a doctor of herbology, put forward a unique concept to combine the effects of plants and astrology: he posited that the positive constellations (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius) are suitable for negative herbs, such as chamomile, eucalyptus, rose and so on; while negative constellations (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces) are suitable for positive herbs, such as basil, lavender, rosemary. Isn’t this view interesting?
After Nicholas Culpeper, many people began studying astrology and herbs together, which helped later generations to have a better understanding towards these two subjects. Now, let’s explore the magical effects of essential oils on each constellation!

Capricorn (12/22~1/19)

Secretive and concentrated Capricorn is famous for his sense of responsibility among the twelve constellations. Capricorns are seldom lost in flaunting and insubstantial substance, but stride towards their life goals in a down-to-earth way and one step at a time. For Capricorns, they think confirmation is more reliable than intuition. Although they often will cause be stubborn, and will stick to their own opinion and believe their own behavior. Not having enough flexibility is the biggest weakness of a Capricorn, but the willpower to realize themselves is their biggest benefit towards success.

Essential oils suggestion:
Mint, cypress and bergamot are the most suitable essential oils for Capricorn. Because Capricorn lack flexibility to deal with quick changes, the freshness of mint can help their agility of thought and movement; cypress contains a woodsy smell, which can stimulate work enthusiasm and improve work efficiency; bergamot’s sweet fragrance can help Capricorn, who is not good at expressing emotion, can help smoothsocial relations.

Aquarius (1/20~2/18)

Aquarius diligently aspires knowledge, and they can find lots of joy even among daily trivialities. They are sensitive and curious, have the spirit to dive to the bottom of a subject, and are constantly indulging in thought and are famous for rationality. Except for likes to digging at things, Aquarius' people are more interested in people, and especially in themselves. Sometimes they pay too much attention to themselves and can be evaluated as narcissistic or arrogant.

Essential oils suggestion:
Sandalwood, rose, and bergamot essential oils are quite suitable for Aquarius. Aquarius likes to study human spirituality, and sandalwood has some good effects for: clearing thoughts, entering into the deeper level of soul and helps people have more spirituality. The sweet flavor of rose can help rational Aquarius be more flexible, and exerts their thoughts; the fresh fragrance of bergamot can cheer up people, improve study efficiency, and help Aquarius have more acceptance of the world during their exploration of life.

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Four kinds of essential oils suitable for a women's room--rose essential oil

4. Rose essential oil

Rose is incomparably noble, and is regarded as the symbol of love and an incarnation of beauty. One drop of rose essential oil contains the essence of more than eight thousands rose flowers. The medical value of rose was being record in Huang Di Nei Jing: rose, 性甘, a bit bitter, warm, belongs to the liver and spleen meridian. The components of rose essential oil is extremely complex, it has been found to contain about two hundred and fifty-seven components. Rose essential oil is the best tonic for a woman’s uterus, and can help regulate the menstrual cycle, and adjust the endocrine system. The loving and romantic smell is a necessary embellishment for a good, and healthy, sexual life between a husband and wife.

Here are some tips for using rose essential oil:

(1) Face: add in various kinds of skin care products, such as delicate cleanser, facial cream, facial mask, and so on. Add one drop each time; used this way frequently it can help keep your facial skin tight and delicate, and highlight rosy cheeks.

(4) Adjust secretion of hormones
Add two drops rose essential oils in your body shampoo when you bathe, or added in your body cream and applyed after bathing, it not only can help keep your skin smooth, but also can improve your immunologic function. You can also mix the base oil with two to three drops rose essential oil to massage the abdominal and waist region until it is warm. By this way one can help adjust your biological clock, improve the quality of sleep and help you stay a beautiful woman.

(5) Improve your menstrual period
For menstrual disorder, add one drop rose essential oil + on drop geranium essential oil + one drop ylang-ylang essential oil for bath or massage the abdominal and waist region; for dysmenorrheal, add one drop rose essential oil + one drop jasmine essential oil + one drop anise essential oil for foot soaking.

(6) Care for heart and spleen, balance liver and gall
Add three drops rose essential oil in body cream or base oil, and rub with your hands from the outside of thighs to the knees back and forth for about thirty times; by this way you can enhance immunity and care for your heart and spleen, and balance your liver and gallbladder.
Lighting a rose essential oil fragrance lamp in your room can enhance feeling of love between husband and wife. The light rose smell will add delight to life, and makes people feel happy.

(7) Enhance charming
One drop rose essential oil drop at Yong Quan Xue under the middle of foot, keep using can makes your body give off light fragrance; when your do business without enough confidence, drop one drop rose essential oil at the front can makes you feel get rid of the tiredness and make your refreshed and be confident; apply sweet Courreges which is make by rose essential oil on your wrist or behind your ear lobe can enhance your personal charm, and form a good galvano-magnetic effect to expand social intercourse circle and interpersonal relationship.

(8)Monitor emotion
Light a rose essential oil fragrance lamp in the harem can enhance the sweet love feeling between husband and wife. The light rose smell will add delight of life, and makes people feel happy.

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Four kinds of essential oils suitable for a women's room--lemon essential oil

3. Lemon essential oil

Lemon always gives people a fresh, clean and pleasurable feeling. 1,000 lemons can extract about 1 milliliter of lemon essential oil, which can be called a whitening expert. It is has a good effect on clean skin, and is an especially good choice for Asian women who think of white as beauty. Lemon essential oil can help you have delicate and smooth skin. Lemon has a fresh but strong smell, and is the best choice to detoxify poison and remove odors, and is also a flavor resource when used as fixative of perfume industry.
Because of the acidic flavor, few people will eat it directly. But this inborn acidity is a good thing for antibiotics and detoxification. Normally when we eat sea food or barbecue, there will be a piece of lemon served with it. Sprinkling with lemon juice is very delicious, and any fishy smell is totally gone.
In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Spain and Portugal already found that lemon does can detoxify poison, remove odor, and act as an anti-biotic. It is not only used as aromatics, but is also used to deal with malaria and typhoid.
No matter the output, or the usage, lemon essential oil is one of the best fruit essential oils. It is extracted form pericarp through cold press, and its flavor can refresh your mind, help to sort out feelings, eliminate fatigue, strengthen the stomach, and help digestion. Because it is rich in vitamins C, B, and the natural fruit acidity, lemon has good effects for improving spots, wrinkle, and in general beauty.

Here are some excellent using ways to use lemon essential oil.

(1) Skin whitening:
Added in to various kinds of skin care products, such as delicate cleansers, face creams and facial masks. Adding one drop lemon essential oil can make your skin color uniform, bright and beautiful, but do remember to use it at night. Put three to five drops lemon essential oils into a bottle which is filled with distilled water to make a lemon skin refresher, and used often can makes your skin delicate and clean; spots and scars will disappeared gradually.

(2) Tooth whitening:
Putting one drop lemon essential oil in mouthwash can not only make freshen your breath, but also can whiten your teeth and prevent various kinds of oral cavity diseases.

(3) Improve skin:
Add one drop lemon essential oil into your body shampoo and skin milk, taking care to massage the places where skin is rough, such as elbows and knees. This can make your skin smooth and white, with additional effects on rheumatoid arthritis.

(4) Cooking food:
If you add one drop lemon essential oil when you are cooking rice, it not only can make the rice sparkle, but also can produce a sweet smell to improve your appetite.

(5) Relaxing:
Women’s moods will change with the weather and physiological change. Light a lemon essential fumigator when you are in bad mood, feel depress and annoyed, or have memory difficulties.

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Four kinds of essential oils suitable for a women's room--lavender essential oil

2. Lavender essential oil

Lavender is one kind of a small purple flower with strong fragrance. Since ancient times, lavender was loved by people because of its elegant fragrance and curative effects. Lavender is beautiful and sweet-scented, and can be used as care products, with beauty and practicality existing side-by-side. Lavender is also called “haoshuicao”, because it can help people feel peaceful and calm and can help with sleeping. Ancient cultures classified lavender as a stimulant, supplement, and a product that promotes digestion. Matthiole, a botanist in the 16 century, wrote that lavender is the best material, and he put it forward as a treatment for epilepsy, stroke and other mental diseases. He also has a recipe to eliminate dropsy, which is to cook lavender flowers with wine, and drink two cups per day. French make tea with lavender, cinnamon and fennel to cure jaundice, and as a cardiotonic. Many ancient cultures also believed lavender has the effects to acts as an anti-spasm, help with diuresis and antibiosis, cure wounds and promote blood circulation. In a word, lavender is the essential oil which has often been used as a drug. Lavender essential oil is called a hypnogenesis master, and is a good choice for modern women to relieve pressure, balance emotions, remove fatigue and recover stamina.

Here are some tips for using lavender essential oil:

(1). Promote healing and relieve pain
It is unavoidable to be hurt or injured in daily life. If you can not find proper medicine at once, apply some lavender essential oils on the wound; this can help the pain disappear immediately and not leave a scar several days later. Lavender is indispensable for families with children.

(2). Anti-anaphylaxis
Because of the turn of season or the unsuitability of cosmetics, some women’s faces will become itchy and red. At this time, you can add three to five drops of lavender essential oil into a basin of cold water, and apply it with a clean towel on your face. After repeating about five times, the symptoms will disappear. During this period of changing seasons, add five drops lavender essential oil into about 100ML distilled water and shake; spraying on your face or other parts of your body can prevent allergies and peeling.

(3) Clearing Acne
It is easy to get rid of acne, but the marks are hard to get rid of, and can make your skin look unclean. If you apply lavender essential oil after the acne is gone, the redness and swelling will soon disappear, the ability to self-heal will be strengthened, and the skin will become more smooth.

(4) Help with insomnia and relieving pressure
Insomnia is a main factor influencing beauty. If you want to keep your skin beautiful and tight, sufficient sleep is very important. Because of life pressures in modern society, more and more people lose sleep. Putting a drop of lavender essential oil on your pillow , or lighting a fragrance lamp in your room can help you relax both in body and mind, and help you have sweet dreams.

(5) Keeping out mosquitos and clean air
Add about five drops lavender essential oil in water and spraying it into the air with an aerosol sprayer can clean air and keep out mosquito.

(6) Removing dandruff
Put two drops lavender essential oil in your shampoo or hair conditioner when you wash your hair; massage your scalp for several minutes, and then wash with clean water (the effects will be better if mixed with rosemary and tea tree essential oil). Continued for a period of time, this not only can remove dandruff, but also can help your hair gain a fine gloss and can prevent alopecia.

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Four kinds of essential oils suitable for a women's room--tea tree essential oil

1. Own crystal, stain, white, moisture skin
2. Have a sound sleep everyday, and feel refreshed and sparkles after get up, and being an intellectual and elegant woman
3. be away form gynecology problems, enjoy you happy life to the full
4. sexy and charming exist side by side, keep young, makes him be addicted to you flavor

Based on the theory above, there are several kinds essential oils which can enhance women’s fascination, and there using ways.

1. Tea tree essential oil

Tea trees are originally from Australia, but are now planted all over the world. Even so, most of the product is from Australia, and the quality there is best. It is can help with sterilization, and is the best choice for dealing with gynecology problems.

(1) Dealing with gynecology problems
Add two drops of tea tree essential oils when washing the underpants and soaking for about five minutes can help prevent gynecology problems and sterilize the bacteria. After bathing, add one drop tea tree essential oils on the outside of the clean underpants can improve and prevent various kinds of gynecology problems.

(2) Cure acne
For incurable acne, apply tea tree essential oil on the affected area for three to five days, and the redness and swelling will disappear. For pustule acne (whiteheads, blackheads), you should remove the pustule, and then apply tea tree essential oil. This will help speed recovery and not leave marks.

(3) Cure athlete’s foot
Drop five drops tea tree essential oils in hot water, and put your foot in it for about fifteen minutes, or adding one drop tea tree essential oil on socks or in shoes can cure athlete’s foot, sweaty feet and bromidrosis. Putting a piece of linen dropped with tea tree essential oil in the shoe cabinet or shoes can help with disinfection and remove the smell.

(4) Disinfect air and remove smells
Spray tea tree essential oil or light a fragrance lamp in the room, and the small molecules of tea tree essential will spread in the air. This can help prevent cold and respiratory diseases, clean air, and sterilize indoor air.

(5)Making sachets
Sew sachets with bits of fragrant wood, and drop into tea tree essential oil, put the sachet in the wardrobe, next to your pillow, or hanging at the air-conditioning outlet or some ventilated place to purify air.

(6) Sterilization of hands and body
It is easy to get infected with bacteria in daily life, for example by touching money or going to a public place. Add three to five drops tea tree essential oil in liquid hand soap when you wash hands everyday, or drop eight to ten drops tea tree essential oils in the bathtub and bath for at least five minutes can help prevent common bacteria effectively.

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The Most Suitable Women’s Essential Oils

1. Face:

(1) Jojoba Oil

Extracted from jojoba fruit under cold press, its color is light yellow. Jojoba is one prophyta of Mexico. Even though it is planted many places, the desert region on the America and Mexico boundary region still is the best place for its growth, and the quality of jojoba that grows there is the highest. Pure natural jojoba essential oil is a unique miracle of nature, so it is also called “liquid gold”. It is a perfect care product for skincare and hair care, because it contains various kinds of vitamin and nutritional oils, such as vitamin D and proteins. Even not matched with other essential oils, jojoba still can be good aromatherapy oil

(2) Rose hip Oil

Extracted from wild rose seeds which grow on the 3,000 meters high mountains of South America, the Andes, rose hip oil contains high purity anti-wrinkle material, which has perfect osmotic and soft function to help cells keep moisture, protect moist skin, remove wrinkles, soften scrubs, speed the regeneration of skin, and promote the metabolism of the collagen protein in skin. But it is needed to notice that faces with pimple and acne or oily skin can just add it with a 10% proportion.

(3) Apricot Kernel Oil

This is a high-quality medium oil which is extracted from an apricot kernels through cold press, the color is dark yellow. Apricot kernel oil is rich in mineral substance, GlA, vitamin A, B1, B2, B6 and vitamin C, and its moisturizer function is strong. It can help to soften skin and bring vitality to tired skin. Apricot kernel oil is fit for mature, dry, and allergic skin use.

(4) Avocado Oil

Extracted from avocado kernels, it is rich in vitamin A, B and lecithin. Avocado oil is dark green with a thick texture, and is easily absorbed by the skin. In addition, it is very moist and is applicable to dry and aging skin. Even so, it is not recommending using alone, and should be mixed in 10%~15% proportions with jojoba essential oil.

2. Body

(1) Sweet Almond Oil

Extracted from almond fruit through cold press, sweet almond oil has a light yellow color and unique flavor, and is rich in mineral substance, protein, fatty acid and vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, E. It is easily absorbed and can promote cells growth, and is fit for dry, sensitive, and inflamed skin. Besides, it is extremely warm, and even a baby can use it. It also can reduce itching, swelling and inflammation. After finishing exercise, a massage with sweet almond oil can dispel fatigue and relieve pain.

(2) Grape-seed Oil

A medium essential oil extracted from grape seeds, it contains Vitamin F and Linoleic Acid. It can resist free radical, anti-aging, help the absorption of Victim E and C, strengthen the flexibility of the circulatory system, reduce damage that comes from UV rays, improves varicose vein, and prevents the precipitation of melanin. The OPE it contains can help skin to keep flexibility, avoid saggy skin and wrinkles, and prevent cholesterol buildup and reduce the coagulation of platelets. In addition, grape-seed oil is good for massage.

(3) St. John Wort Oil

St. John Wort is known as Hypericum perforatum. Research has found that St. John Wort contains various kinds of active constituents. It has been confirmed that it contains MAO, an inhibiting factor, which can improve the neurotransmitter level and help maintain mood and emotion, resist melancholy, relax stress, and reduce uncomfortable feelings, insomnia, and fatigue caused by melancholy and anxiety. It is a good medium essential oil used for the central nervous system. Because it is both thick and expensive, you only need to use this oil in a 10-15% concentration when mixed with other essential oils.

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Love Parable of Essential oils 2


For a long time, rose has been considered as a symbol of love and purity. There seems no other flower which you can send to your first love, ex-lover, wife, and none the expresses love more than the rose. About 60,000 roses can extract 1 ounce of rose essential oil, which is why it is so expensive. Rose essential oils often appear at luxury beauty parlors, and the fragrance it throws off can not be matched by other essential oils. It can encourage spirit, appease the sorrow of heart, and can make people feel excited and romantic. The sweet fragrance can bring pleasure to people at times. All the woman in the world always have the desire to show off, and have a rose sent by a lover.


Lavender always gives us an impression that its function is that of an ornament rather than having any practical use. In fact, lavender essential oil is the most widely used essential oil in aromatherapy, and it throws off a kind of noble and fresh scent, like the love story in a novel; romantic, warm, and lovable. The meaning of lavender is “waiting for love”, but it is not love in the way that modern people consider it. Lavender is generally acknowledged as the "wild card" of essential oils which can be matched with any other essential oils, because every essential oil can be used with lavender essential oils to enhance their effects.


Sandalwood has a very sweet, woodsy smell, which is no doubt the most popular and easiest flavor to accept. In China, India, and Egypt, lots of temples were built using sandalwood. Pilgrims use sandalwood to have a bath and show their piety by burning sandalwood on the altar. Now, the sandalwood essential oil used in aromatherapy is not as simple as in ancient times; it has multiple effects on body, soul and skin. The biggest benefit of sandalwood is to replenish energy, improve sex drive, resist aging, and bring a sense of safety.
Lots of people are familiar with the name of sandalwood, but seldom know the practical use for it. It is like loves, which all look the same, but still have some kind of mystery to them. It is also mature, being one that has rich experience. Sandalwood, because of the mystery and sense of safety, always has its charm to attract woman.


Frankincense is one kind of Burseraceae plant which can only be found by accident, and not through seeking, because of the political situation in north-east Africa and Arabia, the origin region of Frankincense. Because of this instability in supply, Boswellia carteri is not always readily available. Frankincense essential oil is extracted from its colophony through distillation, with a color close to transparent or light yellow, and the flavor is a weak, fresh woodsy and resinic scent. Some love stories are just like Frankincense, stored in our memory, with a god-given chance to encounter it.
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Love Parable of Essential Oils 1

Essential oil is extracted from flowers, fruit, leaves, caudex and roots. Because of its curative effects and sweet scent, it has been used for several centuries. Hundreds of volatile plant oils are used in various kinds of industries, such as food, cosmetics, medicine and perfume. The essential oils that can be chosen in modern aromatherapy are few, but the scope and use of fragrance use is wide.


There is no other fruit that can be used to describe a lover except the lemon—always being some kind of tempter, but never being a protagonist. The dining table will became lively if there is a lemon, as nothing can match with that fresh yellow, even if it is full of other beautiful things. As an ancient story says: ship captains used to keep fresh lemons to protect food on the boat, and before a long-distance voyage in order to purify the drinking water on the boat. Lemon essential oil can be called one of the most important essential oils; it has a good effect on skin problems, can cure an uncomfortable throat and respiratory system, strengthen the immune system, cheer up spirit and encourage emotion. Of course, most people love the full-bodied sweet scent of lemon essential oils. Therefore lots of people love lemon, and they may chase this strong, sweet scent among different kinds of flavours which are mysterious, clean, simple but elegant or strong. But no one will use lemon essential oil every day, or eat a whole lemon, just like a wise man would not marry his lover.


There many conifers that grow in the forest, but few of them are as ugly as the pinecone, like a pillow which was being trampled, or a fried ham. I think it might have done lots of bad things in its past life to look how it does in this life; God will always find a way to punish the bad guys. When I met pine essential oil at the first time, I can not image that how this classy essential oil can be distilled from that pinaceae plant which has that kind of shriveled fruit. According to a beautician, pine was famous in the ancient era of Arab civilization, and it has strong curative effects, mainly used to cure lung disease. I was amazed at the magic function of this ugly plant. It can be seen like a couple who has a normal and prosaic love, they know the sweetness and bitterness themselves, no matter how inconceivable or funny others might think it.


Orange has never been a fashionable fruit. Orange has a bright and lovable color, but it is hard to peel. Some people feel it hard to deal with: you will hurt your fingers if you peel with your hands, and if you peel with a knife, it’s hard to judge the depth. Even after working hard to peel it, you still have to remove the white rind, and only then can reach the fruit. Most oranges are fresh and sweet, some are acidic, and some are bitter.An orange tree can distill three different essential oils: orange pericarp can distill pleasure essential distilled, the small white flower can be distilled into neroli Essential oil, and the leaves can be distilled into bitter orange petitgrain essential oil. The fresh fruit flavor of orange essential oil might be loved by girls, because boys often won’t use this kind of fresh flavor. Lots of people choose to use it in aromatherapy lamps because of its clean and fresh scent, which gives the air flow a sweet fragrance, much like the feeling of first love.

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